Live aerial imaging capability is a common requirement in these security conscious times. However, this high end technology is usually accompanied by a similar price tag. TC Communications, have developed a solution to this disconnect with a high technology/low cost live video surveillance capability. TC's Eye in the Sky II™ system streams live video to clients via secure web connections. All the client needs is a multimedia capable PC connected to a broadband Internet service and they can log in to see exactly what the aircraft sees - in real time. There is also a full duplex speech circuit that allows the client to communicate with the aircraft operator through the PC’s speaker and microphone. As a result, the client can ask the aircraft operator to zoom in or out, point at other objects etc. In other words, a fully interactive, multi-user situational awareness and command tool with no geographical restraints. This also means that any client can log in from any site anywhere in the world simply using a multimedia capable PC and a broadband Internet connection. Agencies that have a need for aerial surveillance services but can't afford to operate an aircraft and crew can now obtain valuable aerial information simply renting an aircraft and crew fitted with TC’s Eye in the Sky II™ and all they need to view the aircrafts imagery is the appropriate secure log in, a multimedia PC and a broadband connection. This allows various government and other specialist clients to ability to rent a fully maintained aircraft and trained aircrew without the high capital cost normally associated with obtaining their own aircraft and crew.
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